Grooming for any non/low shedding dogs, is ESSENTIAL! Before you make the commitment to own a Dood you need to get a handle on their grooming needs. As a general rule, multi generational Australian Labradoodles are low to no shedding (win), but the flip side of this is that they require brushing and clipping to keep that coat healthy, clean and free of mats.
Start from the first few days you bring your pup home. Brushing often with a soft brush, when they are young to get them as comfortable as possible with it, which pays off in tenfold later on.
Some people choose to take on all of their doods grooming requirements, but for most owners they leave that to the professionals. They should be groomed every 2 to 3 months depending on how well you maintain them, this can be costly and should be factored in to your decision to adopt a dood.
Investment in a good set of brushes/combs and a pair of scissors saves in the long run.
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Labracadabra Labradoodles & Bernedoodles
Jess Leiper
Perth Hills, Western Australia